Finished the fourth chapter in the 'seasons series' on the music of the four seasons by Vivaldi.
Finished the third chapter in the 'seasons series' on the music of the four seasons by Vivaldi.
Later this year comes the fourth and last chapter: SPRING.
Just released two new short, LUNE and AUTUMN you can see here by clicking on the links bellow.
More exiting news coming soon.
Cartoonbrew juste picked up my new short CARNAVAL as Short Pick Of The Day, you can see it here: CARTOONBREW.
You can see the entire film on the film's page here too: CARNAVAL.
Any selections of the film in festivals will be posted here too.
Just finished CARNAVAL, my new short. You can see the trailer for now, but the entire film is coming out soon !
It's set to the entire 'Canaval des Animaux' by Camille Saint-Saëns (approx. 22min), that results in abstract animated visual poetry. You hear with your eyes.
More news coming soon !
Working on new projects, feature, shorts and other things, let you know once I release any of these.
During this pandemic of Covid-19, I don't know any exact release dates since it's juggling between commissioned and free work, but I can't wait to show my new work, I hope soon!
Just released directly on the web my newest project; a short film (the first of four on the 4 seasons Antonio Vivaldi) WINTER, made during lockdown, the idea has been in developpement since a long time and during slow work during lockdown made finally the film.
You can see the 52min. television version of the STATE AGAINST MANDELA AND THE OTHERS on ARTE website here: L'ETAT CONTRE MANDELA ET LES AUTRES 52min. version(untill the 23rd of October)
You can experience the entire VR film ACCUSED#2:WALTER SISULE here, on the ARTE 360° app or via this link ARTE ACCUSED#2:WALTER SISULU VR
VR project ACCUSED #2: WALTER SISULU won Best Linear award at VIRTUAL WOLRDS at the Filmfest München (Munich, Germany)
Jun. 14, 2019Added the VR short ACCUSED #2: WALTER SISULU to my projects. We'll be presenting the film at next edition of VIRTUAL WOLRDS at the Filmfest München (Munich, Germany) form the 1st 'till the 4th of July.
Jun. 14, 2019THE STATE AGAINST MANDELA AND THE OTHERS won the André Martin prize for best french feature animation film of 2018 at this years Annecy Animation Film Festival.
Just released my new short PARIS online today. A collection of abstract motion paintings, made from painted and scratched 16mm film composited in After Effects, illustrating the sounds of everyday Paris.
I will attend with Gilles Porte the screening with DocTalk afterwards of THE STATE AGAINST MANDELA AND THE OTHERS on november the 17th at the IDFA in Amsterdam.
We will also present at the IDFA (in the free exhibition at the Brakke Grond in Amsterdam) the new project surrounding the documentary, a VR film animated called ACCUSED NO.2: WALTER SISULU, more soon about this short.
Two of my short films will be at the Punto Y Raya festival, oct.25-28 in Poland, JAZZIMATION 2 and YOUPLA.
Here are some links to the press writing excellent reviews about THE STATE AGAINST MANDELA AND THE OTHERS:
THE STATE AGAINST MANDELA AND THE ORTHERS relesased in cinemas in France today. We got great reviews of the film so far, here's a selection (in french):
Le canard enchaîné
« un documentaire saisissant et bouleversant »
« le film fait presque penser à une fiction, et pourtant tout est vrai!
Verdict :16/20 et un procès extraordinaire pour un film qui l’est également »
« un documentaire remarquable d’intelligence et d’émotion »
« des séquences d’animation très réussies »
« des séquences poignantes, des accusés bouleversants ».
Le parisien
« bouleversant 4/5 »
« le procédé d’animation suscite l’émotion »
Paris Match :
« original et nécessaire »
Le Figaro
« Eloquent. Son grand mérite est de donner un visage aux autres ».
« un film fondé sur un trésor d’archives »
Very nice review by The Hollywood Reporter of the film THE STATE AGAINST MANDELA AND THE OTHERS. The documentary from Gilles Porte and Nicolas Champeaux who was in the official selection at the Cannes Film Festival this year, for which I created about 40 min. of animation. The film will be in theatres this autumn!
Here's the link: THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER - The State Against Mandela Review
Off to the Cannes film festival to present the film of Gilles Porte and Nicolas Champeaux THE STATE AGINST MANDELA AND THE OTHERS about the trial of 1963 against Mandela and 9 others and their struggle against apartheid. It's incredible what these men did and sacrificed for justice and freedom. A peace of history that is now more relevant than ever.
I designed, directed and animated the approx. 40 minutes of animation for the film. A team of nine very talented artists joined me for the animation: David Devaux, Mathieu Ratier, Vincent Escrive, Matthieu Gueritte, Théo Gremillet, Antoine Presles, Loïc espuche, Soukaïna Najjarane and Viviane Karpp.
I owe so much to the directors Gilles Porte and Nicolas Champeaux for the opportunity they gave me on this powerfull film.
Here's a link from "MON OEIL", a webseries from the CENTRE POMPIDOU in Paris which picked up my short SAI GON for their episode. You can see it here: and here:
More to come soon!
Just finished my new short film called JAZZIMATION 2, music by Jeroen van Vliet MOON TRIO "Use My Time". Check it out! : )
Finished my new short Fugue, wich also got selected in competiton at the next edition of the PUNTO Y RAYA FESTIVAL next october.
My short film YOUPLA received an audience award at the MIAF (Melbourne International Animation Festival) !!! : )
YOUPLA and AN ABSTRACT DAY will both be screened at the MIAF (Melbourne International Animation Festival, 19 - 22nd June 2016. AN ABSTRACT DAY in a retrospective screening of the films of Il Luster Productions, the producers of AN ABSTRACT DAY, and YOUPLA will be shown in the International Program #5: Abstract Showcase program.
YOUPLA will screen at the Sydney Film Festival, Australia (8-19th June 2016) in the Pitt St Public Program !
Two new shorts are in the making, hopefully will be finished soon, can't wait to show them! : )
Back soon.
Screening updates for SAI GON:
- Feb 17th:
“Visible Bits, Audible Bytes” audiovisual screening of Feb 17, which will show at Phoenix Digital cinema in Leicester, UK
- Official selection in competion at the 19th edition of the Holland Animation Film Festival will take place from 16 through 20 March in 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands.
SAI GON just had it's world premiere on the big screen at the Netherlands Film Festival in Utrecht, the Netherlands! More festival selection coming soon. October will see the screening of two older of my short films, JAZZIMATION and DJIZZAZZY, at the first edition of the FETIVAL CINES JAZZ in Lausanne, Switzerland. Here's the link:!rascunho/c1etr Soon more updates on festival selections and screenings!
Just finished my new short abstract animation film SAI GON, based on sounds I recorded during several trips to Vietnam between 2007 and 2014.
I'm also working and new projetcs, more soon! : )
I will be giving a masterclass, entitled "See What You Hear", about my work on Saturday 9th of May at La Casa Encendida, Madrid for Punto y Raya Festival. For more info here: puntoyrayafestival .Hope to see you there! : )
Finished my new film YOUPLA, sending it to festivals. It's my firs auto-produced short, very excited! See it at festival this year.
Right now there's only a teaser, trailer coming soon.
I'ill be working on my new short film at the moment, 2015 will be a very productive year. I'll post all the news here as well as on Twitter and Facebook.
More soon !!! : )
AN ABSTRACT DAY on ARTE TV, you can see it here: ABSTRACT DAY ARTEFEBRUARY 2014 :Diected and animated the new single 'Civil War' for Klarälven, just releas
Directed and animated the videoclip 'Jogral' for Lívia Nestrovski and Fred Ferreira, from their album DUO.
Directed and animated the new single 'Civil War' for Klarälven, just released.
A new year, new projects !!! Setting up several new films, I'll post any news on this here in time. Further submitted a short at Annecy,
hope it will get selected as an hommage to a great Jazz musician, Dizzy Gillespie, and and great filmmaker at the same time, Norman McLaren
who's centenial birthyear it is this year) , more on this and other things soon, can not reveal for now, coming soon!
: )
New festival selections for A DIRECT FILM FAREWELL !!!
Festival lineup for A DIRECT FILM FAREWELL:
- 12th Countryside Animafest Cyprus (July 18- 21)
- SICAF 2013, Seoul/Korea (July 23-28)
- 6th International Animation Festival Fest Anca (June 27-30) , Zilina/Slovakia
- ANNECY, France, june 10-15 2013
- Atens ANIMFEST, GREECE, 7-13 march 2013
- Holland Animation Film Festival, Utrecht NETHERLANDS, 20 - 24 march 2013
Filmfest DRESDEN, GERMANY, 16-21 april 2013
- Dutch Film Festival, Utrecht/Netherlands (september 2012)
- A DIRECT FILM FAREWELL selected for ANNECY, France, june 10-15 2013
- Made all the abstract animation on the new video of ZAZ by Gilles Porte, clic HERE link to see it.
Upcoming festival lineup for A DIRECT FILM FAREWELL:
- Atens ANIMFEST, GREECE, 7-13 march 2013
- Holland Animation Film Festival, Utrecht NETHERLANDS, 20 - 24 march 2013
Filmfest DRESDEN, GERMANY, 16-21 april 2013
- Added the video clip for Miho Hazama's debut album 'Journey to Journey' to the website. Check it out!
To see it in HD go to the VIMEO channel:
- Festival distribution has begon for A DIRECT FILM FAREWELL. See the trailer on this site to get a glimpse of what's in store for you at festival screenings. Selections will be uddated on this pages.
- Updated the website.
- Also finsihed my new short and preparing the DVD of the film. In the new update in the fisrt week of November I'll post some more info about my new film intitled A DIRECT FILM FAREWELL.
- Soon also more news about a great new vidéo clip I made for Miho Hazama. The clip will be released on the first of November for the release of her album Journey To Journey.
- Website updated. New projects added.
- Working on a new short film produced by ilLuster Productions. A film based on 16mm scrached and drawn images directly on film. Release date is set for mid-2012.
- 'An Abstract Day' has received the "Stimulans voor Succes" prize 2011. This prize is given to the most succesfull animated short of 2010.
- 'An Abstract Day' won MovieSquad HAFF Award at the Holland Animation Film Festival today : )
New screenings for An Abstract Day:
- Holland Animation Film Festival in The Netherlands 3 - 7 november.
- Film Festival Braunsweig in Germany, 9 - 14 november.
- Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams in Estonia, 19 - 23 november.
- International Kortfilm Festival in Belgium, 4 - 11 december.
New screenings for An Abstract Day:
- Dutch Film Festival, 22 september 'till 1 october,
- Baden Fantoche Internationales Festival für Animationsfilm, 7 - 12 September
- Paris, 19 october, Cinéclub
- Animadrid, 23 september - 1 october
- Geneve, 2 - 10 october, Cinematou
- Cinanima, 8 - 14 november
- Holland Animation Festival te Utrecht, 3 - 7 november
Screenings for An Abstract Day:
Animamundi 2010, Sao Paulo, Brazil , 28 juli - 1 augustus.
New website online again at last, after three years of silence! Had fortunately a lot of work to do, that's why…
Feel free to nose arround : )
Finishing my new film, An ABstract Day, which will be out by september…I'll post the news about festivals and all very soon.
Started work on my new independent short film called "Abstract Day". This is a very exciting project. The sound is based on a documentary like recording of a man's ordanary day. The animation will be abstract so to confuse the sound image relation people would normaly have if they hear the soundtrack.
Worked on the animation and graphic design and technical development for the rotoscope technique used for the new video clip of KASABIAN, "Shoot the runner", which will be released on the 6th of November, directed by Alex & Martin
Worked on the animation and graphic design and technical development for two projects by artist Camille Henrot. One is a short for a series produced by 'Un Monde Meilleur' productions called "dreams", airing on CANAL+. The orther is the animation of amoebas for 35mm film for a exhibition in Geneva.
Going to Paris!
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